Minggu, 27 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Hello friends ... back together saya.di syafitra310.blogspot.com blog. On this occasion, I want to tell you about the "Letter to yourself you're younger and you're 10-years-later self"
10 years later, I still in the world? Or I've had success, or I already married? we never know what will happen 10 years kedepanya.
before I became today, I pass through various obstacles I face in this world, so of course I'm not going to waste my future. Hard struggle to get through this, I never forget. I remember when I wanted to continue belajari. I almost can not be like today without passing through all of it. My son 3 of 5 children who live in rural areas close to the coast, before I go to university Tanjongpura, actually I when passed smk I want to immediately apply for a job, but father and my mother advised me to continue education selajutnya because he said that education is so is important to kedepanya .i was thinking, to take the decision to go to college, I pu tried and optimistic for a quick finish and got a bachelor Gellar, 10 years down the line I want a great hope, hope that makes a person even makes everyone willing to do anything for the sake of a hope and ideals that you want to achieve kedepannya.Diantara thousands and even billions of millions of people in the world I was one person who had very high expectations next 10 yrs.
Of course, everyone wants success, including me, who wanted me to achieve success are:

Among the many hopes / dreams of the most important are the ideals my mother on my own, she wanted success of myself, succeed in every way like the character, ideals, dreams, family, career and more. Because nothing can beat a force (impulse) success unless the mother figure force motivation. Did you know ??? There is one sentence my mother always made me get up when I feel fragile / fall, Sentence beautiful it is, 'boy never felt cornered, if people could be why you can not, never despair, never give up weeks to pursue your dreams, learn diligently and never disappoint your mother.
Insaallah 10 yrs kedepanmudah I hope I can make my parents keduaorang even all be proud to know me, and hopefully I have become a successful person.
Amin .....

{{It is easy to see failure and difficult to achieve success. Each success will pass a failure at first.}}

GOOD BYE........

Rabu, 23 November 2016

The Online Information Debate

 Name  Groups:
 Marta Anindita - 
 Ade Putra -
 Rian Pirnando -
 Abraham Aritonang -
 Syafitra -

1. What website do you use to find information? which are best? why?
Marta: what sites do you think best? Explain?Ade: www.facebook.com, because on facebook all the information I can see, with the information on the facts and abroad.Abraham: soccer.net, because I liked the information or news about football and I believe that this site can give me information tentnag football from home and abroadRian: google.com, for in google I can find things I wanted to find something whether it be material or events in the worldSyafitra: Detik.com, because all the information I find I can get into the site, and all information contained in this site is the fact that most actual and I believe the site or the information contained in this site is the best.
2. does your school or teachers have any rules about using such sites?
Rian: whether schools or teachers have rules for using these sites?Marta: There may be some who interpret this site is bad for small children or minors, because in this site there are a lot of content in adults, but in my opinion depends on those who use it whether it is good or bad use.Abraham: there are no restrictions, because the information contained in this site is only concerned about football.Syafitra: there are no restrictions, because the sites I select very facilitate its users to get the information.Ade: I do not think so, because the sites I select a site that is good for anyone who uses the site

.3. what is the difference between online information and information from libraries or encyclopedias?
Abraham: what is the difference between online information and information from the library in the encyclopedia?Marta: I think more the latest information from the online encyclopedia information from libraryAde: its difference is the online information very easily on the can, and it is always the latest newsSyafitra: very different in terms of its presentation of information is much differentRian: for information online in presenting the information we need very fast and more popular

Kamis, 17 November 2016

song in love

back again with me at different times in the same place
What song do you like and why did you choose this song?
A typical song that warms and many people have been made to shed tears because of this song.
especially for ya are again away from home. whether it be college or work more definite conditions also forced us away from parents.
Jason Mraz tells that wherever we go, we will always return and wherever we are, we will always feel uncomfortable if we do the right thing.
complete with a light counsel parents who seemed to further strengthen, although the road we take will be very slippery but there will always be the hand that we can grasp.
The warmth of this song has been strengthened with the lyrics at the beginning and end of the song, as if the warm rays penetrate participating ....
people get ready ... get ready.
cause here it comes, it's a light.
a beautiful light, over the horizon into our eyes ....
yes .bersiaplah !!!
What is the meaning of this song I think? For me, the first thing that this song would like to show is the love of parents to their children. Most of us spend a little time, SD, SMP, SMA, and perhaps college together both our parents, residing in the place we call home. Ugly, small, or anything fancy like, we'll call the residence home where love will always be there for 24 hours 7 days a week.

Then when we have grown up and will start a real life, it's time to leave home. For myself, college is a time of commencement perantauanku to another city, leaving the house in Jakarta. When the lecture, a few weeks since I always found time to return to my area.

resume pychology today

meet again with me at different times in the same place in syafitra310.blogspot.com blog, this time I will make a resume of psychology today.
As our world becomes more technologically complex, we are less able to understand what makes it work, and it worries the old Columbia astronomy professor David Helfand. "We shrink from facing the challenges because we do not like numbers and more comfortable with confidence rather than by rational thought," Helfand writes in his new book, A Survival Guide to Misinformation Age. In the face of climate change and related challenges, he said, our natural preference for binary thinking serve us particularly bad. "When there is no one right answer, it was very uncomfortable for people," he said. He hopes his book, which urges the scientific habit of mind as a bulwark against nonsense, can help stem the tide
Why do we comfort with quantitative reasoning so low?
This is the way we were taught. A colleague called it "the third man to learn." Someone figures something, others go to school and learn how to do it, and then people who come to the students and said, "OK, this is how you do this problem. This is the pattern. Now do 10 more like it and that will mean you has mastered that. "it can transfer technical competence in doing certain things, such as for the SAT. But it does provide an understanding and there is no sense of how the results appear. So, when you ask questions that do not appear in the exact same format, you are at a complete loss.

It is increasingly clear that we can not trust the statistics many politicians throw at us. How can they get away with it?

Research And this Kahan at Yale shows that people use their cognitive reasoning ability to reinforce their group identity, not to analyze the data rationally, how to take sides. As he said, in a pluralist democratic society this is an unmitigated disaster.
Thanks you've opened my blog on my resume so good bye.

1.       Bulwark    =  benteng
2.       Increasingly   =semakin
3.       Unmitigated= sejati
4.       Confidence =kepercayaan
5.       Particularly =khususnya
6.       Provide =menyediakan
7.       Cognitive= kongnitif
8.       Reasoning =penalaran
9.       Quantitative= kuantitatif
10.   Scientific =ilmiah
11.   Analyze= menganalisi
12.   rather than= dari pada
13.   nonsense =omong kosong
14.   Misinformation =informasi yang salah
15.   Climate =iklim
16.   Pattern = pola
17.   exact same =sam persisi
18.   reinforce =memperkuat
19.   stem  =batang
20.   provide= memberikan